I never thought the worms would really make a big difference in our garbage, but let me tell you, when you have not had garbage picked up for THREE WEEKS, it is great to know that the worms have eaten all of the food scraps so there is no stinky garbage rotting in the garage. Not having garbage service because of the snow and ice really allowed me to analyze what we recycle and what we throw away. I am happy to say that we recycle at least 5 times the amount of garbage that we actually throw away. Our recycle bin is overflowing and I have a huge box filled to the brim with more recycled items. Maybe the goal of one garbage can per month is doable!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Snow and the Worms
I never thought the worms would really make a big difference in our garbage, but let me tell you, when you have not had garbage picked up for THREE WEEKS, it is great to know that the worms have eaten all of the food scraps so there is no stinky garbage rotting in the garage. Not having garbage service because of the snow and ice really allowed me to analyze what we recycle and what we throw away. I am happy to say that we recycle at least 5 times the amount of garbage that we actually throw away. Our recycle bin is overflowing and I have a huge box filled to the brim with more recycled items. Maybe the goal of one garbage can per month is doable!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Always Be Prepared...Party Time!
If there is an organizing moral to this story, it is this: be prepared to be trapped for a week. Get to know your neighbors. Not only did we all share in this makeshift bar, we traded maple syrup, brown sugar and cookies galore for two solid weeks. We are truly blessed! Now, go meet a new neighbor...you never know when you will be looking for a jar of pickled green beans...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Pick a Tolerance, Any Tolerance...
My challenge for you today is to pick a tolerance and fix it. Squeaky garage door? Oil it. Lightbulb burned out? Change it. (With a LED one, of course.) Just pick something and take care of it. You will feel so much better! It is all part of organizing yourself. When you don't have to think about the thing that needs to be fixed or changed, you can actually use that brain power for something else, like putting things in their places -- the number one rule of organizing!
On a different note, my 7 year old daughter moved out on Sunday. Just to the front porch. She wasn't mad and wasn't trying to run away, she just wanted her own pad. When I went to check on her she had her clothes laying out on the azalea bushes. I asked that she bring those in when it started to rain and she informed me that that is how she washes her clothes. Sigh...yes, I am off to do another load of laundry...
On a different note, my 7 year old daughter moved out on Sunday. Just to the front porch. She wasn't mad and wasn't trying to run away, she just wanted her own pad. When I went to check on her she had her clothes laying out on the azalea bushes. I asked that she bring those in when it started to rain and she informed me that that is how she washes her clothes. Sigh...yes, I am off to do another load of laundry...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Well, I haven't really come up with anything dramatically life changing but I did come up with 3 things I can do that is a bit different than what I have been doing: turn down the thermostat 2 degrees, attempt to only fill one garbage can a month, and keep my worm friends happy. The last one is pretty easy since all I do is toss in food. A dog might be easier but would be actually messier. The worms don't demand to be let out (they can't lift the lid themselves -- yet), they never complain about what is for dinner (unlike my children), and their poop is actually useful (again, unlike my children). So far there is no smell but it does seem to take a long time for them to break down the food. I am sure I saw last month's onion root still in there -- maybe those were new wormies...
As for the temperature in the house, 2 degrees may not seem like much but you can sure feel it. I'm surprised the kids haven't complained. I seem to be the only one doing that...sigh...I'm off to get ANOTHER sweatshirt on...
The trash thing has me worried, though. I may have started too late this month to attempt to get it down to just one can. The clumping cat litter alone may take up an entire can. I wish I could get the cat to go in the worm bin... I'll update tomorrow with a picture of Will the Worm, Wilma the Worm, etc., etc., etc.
As for the temperature in the house, 2 degrees may not seem like much but you can sure feel it. I'm surprised the kids haven't complained. I seem to be the only one doing that...sigh...I'm off to get ANOTHER sweatshirt on...
The trash thing has me worried, though. I may have started too late this month to attempt to get it down to just one can. The clumping cat litter alone may take up an entire can. I wish I could get the cat to go in the worm bin... I'll update tomorrow with a picture of Will the Worm, Wilma the Worm, etc., etc., etc.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Just Floating Along...
Quote of the day: A real friend never gets in your way -- unless you happen to be on your way down. --Anonymous
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Time for Me

During this time away, I was contemplating some ways that I can do something good for Mother Earth. Something besides my wormies and paper towel-less kitchen. I'm still pondering but I think I may be onto something. Tune in for my EARTH-SHATTERING revelation. I'm sure it will be exciting, educational, and maybe even inspirational. Here is a quote to get you through until tomorrow: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -- Eleanor Roosevelt. (I have this on my desk and look at it every day!) Be well...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Good News, Sunshine, and Rainbows -- OH MY!

It occurred to me that while I was reading today's paper, there really isn't much good news to read. I know you have all experienced what I am talking about. Recession, depression, election, molestation, you get the idea. Well, I went to Google and typed in "good news." Lo and behold, a ton of websites popped up! I have now made www.goodnewsnetwork.org my home page. It has nothing but good news. Can you imagine that? When I log onto the internet now, I see that a dog saved some kittens from a fire, there is a vaccine that stops sick kids from getting sicker, there are stories about injustices being righted...it goes on and on! Can you believe that there is so much good going on in the world? I tell you what, when we all stop focusing on all the bad, it will allow all the good to come through. Give it a try. I guarantee you'll feel better or YOUR MONEY BACK!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Is There Viagara in Your Fishsticks???

I just know you are thinking about organizing your medicine cabinet this week so I wanted to send you some good info. Check out www.earth911.org and type in "medication" and your zip code in the search area to locate places that will accept unused or out-of-date medicine. Another great resource is www.smartxdisposal.net. They show you how to SAFELY disposes of old medicine without flushing it down the toilet. So, get organized, clean out your medicine cabinet, and keep your fishwich Prozac free!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Congratulations! You've Been Approved....AGAIN!

I have posted in the past some places to get your name off of junk mail lists and now here is one to get your name off of those annoying credit card offers: www.optoutprescreen.com. Nice, huh? You can thank me by sending a cash donation to... Ha! Just kidding. The thanks I will get is knowing you have saved a tree. Now go forth and Opt Out!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What Color is Your Thumb?

Don't have a green thumb? No worries. You can easily increase your indoor air quality with some easy to grow plants such as the peace lily, bamboo palm, English ivy, mums, or gerbera daisies. What makes these plants easy to grow is that they tell you when to water them. If they start to droop and look listless, add some water and voila! they perk right back up again. What could be easier than a plant that tells you when to water it? Of course, no one tells you HOW much water to give so try to use some common sense. I know you have some so put it to good use.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Don't Waste Tom!

Does this have anything to do with organizing? Not really, but it is my blog and today I felt like writing about toothpaste. I feel minty fresh now.
Friday, October 17, 2008
My Roseanne Roseannadanna Hairbrush

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Spam -- it's not just for breakfast

So, what can you do about spam? The best way to rid yourself of it is to either change your email address or just learn to live with it. Make your delete key your best friend. Your best friend will protect you from the overseas lottery, the latest in Canadian drugs, and those annoying pet nail trimmers.
If you do decide to change your email address, I suggest you get one for work, one for friends and family, and one for ordering online items. The one you use for ordering online items can have the maximum amount of spam/junkmail control on it. It will take a bit of time to let everyone know your new email addresses, but if you and your best friend can't handle all the spam, just change your email address. Now that I have made myself hungry after all the spam talk, I'm heading for the kitchen...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Paper Towel-less (Heavy Sigh...)

It is official. I am no longer using paper towels or paper napkins. Yes I have wanted to do this for awhile now but it has taken me 5 YEARS to use up my Costco supply. Now that I am down to the last bit of paper towels and napkins, I am mentally getting ready to say good-bye to the paper for good. This crazy notion hit me when I first blogged about watching what goes into the trash can. I can easily say that I am a recovering paper-a-holic. Hello, my name is Lisa and I'm addicted to paper towels...
Well, I am free (almost...within the week...) and I am looking forward to using my cloth napkins on a daily basis. I was actually shopping today at Goodwill looking to purchase cloth napkins when it occurred to me that I have at least 2 dozen cloth napkins that I have been saving for a special occasion. Granted, this special occasion hasn't happened in the last 8 years so I think it probably won't. Yes, I do have some fancy-schmancy napkins that I use for the holidays but the other napkins haven't seen the light of day since before W was president. AND I purchased the coolest cloth (actually, 3 came in the pack) from Bed Bath & Beyond that absorbs, won't streak and is machine washable! I heard the angels sing and I could have sworn I saw a unicorn dance across a sparkly rainbow....
Take a look into YOUR garbage. I know it is not as interesting as the neighbor's, but see what you might be able to do without.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Organizing Incentives aka Scooby Snacks

It seems to me that in order to get organized, one needs to have an incentive. It can't come from a spouse's complaining or the fact that you can't find that important phone number. It really comes down to WANTING to be more organized. I don't care if it is your desk, your refrigerator, or your car. Once you have the incentive, it will get done. And in order to keep it organized you have to continually pat yourself on the back for each and every small task you have done to becoming more organized. Are you stressed out because your kitchen is a mess? Vow to keep the dishes done. When you have loaded them up into the dishwasher, pat yourself on the back or, if your spouse did the chore, give them a big pat on the back and a Scooby snack. The point is to recognize the little bit that you are doing and build from it. Old habits do die hard but they can be changed. I have seen it done, and I am a walking example of it as well. Here is a great quote for you to chew on (if you don't have that Scooby snack handy): "Good thoughts elevate deeds; good deeds elevate thoughts." -Anonymous
Monday, October 6, 2008
I'm Baaaaaack.......
Sorry, it has been a while. I promise to blog more often...
Kids are in school, craziness has calmed, and I am ready to send you on your way with my helpful tips and tricks to organize, simplify, and green up your life! Sounds like a pretty big task, doesn't it? Take one small bite at a time and before you know it, the whole cake is gone! Not that I would know...really.
Today's tiny tip is to go visit catalogchoice.org and sign up to get your name taken off of catalog mailing lists. You can also keep your name on lists that you still want to get but DON'T DO IT!!! Check my past blog on saving a tree. Remember, once the catalog reaches your hands, the coupon and specials are close to being outdated anyway. Visit your favorite stores online -- not through a catalog that was created by taking away Bambi's forest. Really. Don't. Do. It.
See? One small bite and you feel better already!
Kids are in school, craziness has calmed, and I am ready to send you on your way with my helpful tips and tricks to organize, simplify, and green up your life! Sounds like a pretty big task, doesn't it? Take one small bite at a time and before you know it, the whole cake is gone! Not that I would know...really.
Today's tiny tip is to go visit catalogchoice.org and sign up to get your name taken off of catalog mailing lists. You can also keep your name on lists that you still want to get but DON'T DO IT!!! Check my past blog on saving a tree. Remember, once the catalog reaches your hands, the coupon and specials are close to being outdated anyway. Visit your favorite stores online -- not through a catalog that was created by taking away Bambi's forest. Really. Don't. Do. It.
See? One small bite and you feel better already!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Coffee shop musings
I am sitting here in a coffee shop getting ready to do a presentation on paper management so I thought I would share with you some of the information I have regarding junk mail. Did you know that every year 100 million trees are used to produce junk mail in America? That is the equivalent of deforesting the entire Rocky Mountain National Park every 4 months. Every 4 months! Most of us are on the internet so anything we need is right at our fingertips and is always more updated than any piece of junk mail you receive in your mailbox. Here are a few websites you can visit to reduce the amount of junk mail you receive: proquo.com and donotmail.org. Check them out, take a moment and save a forest.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
School is starting so start getting organized!
With the cute little boogers off to school this week, it is a perfect time for all of us to let out a collective sigh of relief. This is definitely the perfect time to get yourself organized and start looking ahead towards the holidays. I know, I know...who wants to think of the holidays already? But if you start now, the holidays will be a breeze. Take a look around and see what bits of clutter you can get rid of. Even just one or two things a day will really add up. DO NOT purchase MORE holiday decor until you have all of yours out on display. It will only add to your decluttering effort AFTER the last piece of pecan pie has been eaten.
So, go forth and get ready! Santa Claus is coming to town...
So, go forth and get ready! Santa Claus is coming to town...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Buying Your Way to Organization -- NOT!
Unfortunately, try as you might, you cannot buy your way to becoming more organized. Yes, you can hire an organizer to get you started, but you will not become automatically organized by purchasing organizing items. The real secret is -- get ready -- to BE organized. Again, buying the latest gadget will not make you organized. Especially when you leave it in the bag. Believe it or not, you can use just regular, every day items to help you STAY organized once you get there. Do you know what I used for YEARS to hold my pens and pencils? An empty tin can. Not very attractive you might say, but as I gathered 100+ colorful rubber bands around the outside, it made for a nice conversation piece and was functional. Do you know how much I paid for it? Nothing. Nada. Zip. Well, if you figure the fact that I paid 99 cents for the Spaghetti-os that were inside, it was a great deal because not only did I get lunch, I also received a brand new pencil holder!
Here is a nice quote of the day about Los Angeles: The only town in the world where you can wake up in the morning and listen to the birds coughing in the trees. ~Joe Frisco
Have a great weekend!
Here is a nice quote of the day about Los Angeles: The only town in the world where you can wake up in the morning and listen to the birds coughing in the trees. ~Joe Frisco
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Filing Systems 101
In my experience of organizing offices, one basic thing is sometimes overlooked: creating a file system that works for you, not one you have to keep working for. Take a few minutes to decide how you want your files set up. What words will you use to find your car repair receipts? Auto? Mechanic? Toyota? And for gosh-and-golly sakes, share your thinking with anyone else who will need to access those files. When everyone is on the same page (literally!), filing papers and retrieving them will become MUCH easier. Did you know that the average executive loses six weeks every year just searching for misplaced files? Six weeks!!! Wouldn't that time be better spent lounging around the pool with a cabana boy at your beck and call? Six weeks!!! That statistic really blew my mind -- obviously.
As for your desktop files, same approach. If none of this makes much sense, call or email me. I'll put on my cape and fly to your rescue...
As for your desktop files, same approach. If none of this makes much sense, call or email me. I'll put on my cape and fly to your rescue...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
People ask me all the time about what papers do they have to keep and for how long. I have my own personal guidelines that I go by based upon many conversations with my accountant and what I feel comfortable with. One thing I found out (that I thought was pretty interesting) is if I have the software and can recreate things like customer invoices, I can recycle all the copies of the invoices I currently have. I have been shredding them like crazy and it has really given me a sense of cleanliness. Who would have thought? I can feel the paper chains being released from my ankles as I write...
I found a great on-line document storage place called www.filesanywhere.com where you can place documents and keep them off of your computer. The smaller storage size is free and it can really give you a piece of mind. Contact your utility companies, credit card companies, any company that offers paperless statements. When you download your statement, reconcile it, pay it, do whatever you do with it, and then send it to www.filesanywhere.com. Set yourself free!!!
I found a great on-line document storage place called www.filesanywhere.com where you can place documents and keep them off of your computer. The smaller storage size is free and it can really give you a piece of mind. Contact your utility companies, credit card companies, any company that offers paperless statements. When you download your statement, reconcile it, pay it, do whatever you do with it, and then send it to www.filesanywhere.com. Set yourself free!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Errands on Two Wheels
In order to keep myself green and lean, I am bicycling to all of my daily errand spots: post office, store (if needed), second post office, library, banks, and then back home. I can hit all of these in about an hour, and, depending upon how many stops I make, I travel about 10 to 12 miles each time. What a great way to not use gas, exercise, and enjoy the fresh air. Of course, it would be MUCH better if all these places were not located on busy streets. I would love it if the post office were located at the end of a meandering road that passed alongside a river and pastures. I could then turn at the red barn, ride past the field of clover and pull into the bank. After my banking, I could mosey on back home while dodging little chipmunks and waving at the occasional cyclist I would pass...sigh.... In reality, I ride over broken glass (actually, I am pretty good at dodging it now), try not to bite it as I cross a double set of railroad tracks TWICE and weave my way through cars and trucks to get my position at the stoplight. After turning onto the HIGHWAY I hum a happy song while maniacs try to cut me off, honk to see if they can scare me, and Ricky Racers who see if they can make the right hand turn before I do. It certainly keeps me on my toes...
What does this have to do with organizing? You would be surprised at what an unorganized backpack can do to your errand running. Take a moment before you head out the door to really think about all the things you have to do and all the places you have to go. Taking that extra moment to itemize everything will save you many headaches and an extra trip back home. Happy cycling!
What does this have to do with organizing? You would be surprised at what an unorganized backpack can do to your errand running. Take a moment before you head out the door to really think about all the things you have to do and all the places you have to go. Taking that extra moment to itemize everything will save you many headaches and an extra trip back home. Happy cycling!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Green Office Goes Home

I have been thinking that my green way of working could easily be carried over into home organizing. Why not? I am always looking for more ways to help my clients reuse, recycle, and work greener. I do it at home so I'm thinking I could help others do a little bit more than they are doing now. I also have some great home organizing tips I'll be sharing through this blog so be sure to check back. Today's home organizing tip is about toys. I know that YOU know that bins are a great way to keep all the toys sorted and put away but I have another great use for those toy bins. Whenever we go on a road trip, I grab one small bin per child and they have their favorite toy of the week ready to go. They can play with them in the car and transport them easily into a relative's home or hotel room -- wherever we happen to be going.
Here is a great quote for the day: “Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” ~A. A. Milne (English Humorist, creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, 1882-1956)
Now, go forth and organize those toys!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I am the proud new owner of a worm bin. Exciting isn't it? I looked FOREVER for the right bin to put under my kitchen sink. It had to be just the right size and NOT be clear. Apparently, clear is the new color because every bin I found that would fit was clear. In all the research I did, every single piece of information indicated that the bin must not be see-through. Worms do not like to be looked at, I guess. It was not worth my time to try and outfit them all in little tube tops just so I could use a clear bin. Sigh. Rick finally did some research and found a LEGO bin. Yellow. Nice and sunshiny for under the sink. I bet LEGO would not appreciate me piling in wormies rather than LEGOS. It is under the sink, though so if I had a LEGO audit, I don't think they would look there.
Why a worm bin? We are cutting back on what we put into the landfills and worms love all the tidbits we toss out (except meat, dairy, and a few other choice items). They will consume everything else: coffee grounds, last bits of waffles, leaves, egg shells, lots of great stuff. Go get a worm bin. It will be worth it. I'll keep you posted on my success!
Why a worm bin? We are cutting back on what we put into the landfills and worms love all the tidbits we toss out (except meat, dairy, and a few other choice items). They will consume everything else: coffee grounds, last bits of waffles, leaves, egg shells, lots of great stuff. Go get a worm bin. It will be worth it. I'll keep you posted on my success!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Dog Days of Summer
So why do they call it "the dog days of summer"? I always thought it meant to lay around and enjoy the warm weather like a dog would. Do dogs really do that? Most dogs I see are running around with their tongues hanging out chasing a butterfly. In this picture that I took last night, Ava was blowing bubbles from her unicorn bubble bottle. When I saw her, I thought that this is a perfect picture of what enjoying summer is all about. It is too bad that many people (myself included) sometimes find themselves too busy to really stop and notice the instant beauty around them. Get yourself organized and get out and enjoy summer before it is too late. Before you know it, fall is here, school is starting, and these magical days are gone.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Camping with the Perrys
We love to camp. We still tent camp although I think those days are coming to an end. I look forward to the day when I don't have to blow up the mattress and sleep on the ground. We will probably upgrade to a nice pop-up tent trailer sometime soon. Hopefully before I have to use a walker or cane. Every winter Rick reserves us 3 campsites: 1 in June, 1 in July, and 1 in August. We try to visit different places every year. This year, we went to Silver Falls outside of Salem. We had so much fun I think we are going to make it an annual trip. If you are interested, send me $5 and I'll tell you which site number is the best. Kidding. Really.
As you might imagine, when we camp we are pretty organized. One tidbit I will share with you is about packing our clothes. We take one large duffel bag for the 4 of us. I put each of our pile of clothes into smaller trash bags and then put those inside the duffel bag. When the tent is up, all I do is toss the appropriate bag onto the sleeping bag of the person they belong to. Not only does it make it easy to find your clothes in the morning, we each have a dirty clothes bag to use. Simple, easy to do.
The other day I was driving back from horse summer camp with Ava and she asked me what the words were to the song Blah, Blah Black Sheep...
As you might imagine, when we camp we are pretty organized. One tidbit I will share with you is about packing our clothes. We take one large duffel bag for the 4 of us. I put each of our pile of clothes into smaller trash bags and then put those inside the duffel bag. When the tent is up, all I do is toss the appropriate bag onto the sleeping bag of the person they belong to. Not only does it make it easy to find your clothes in the morning, we each have a dirty clothes bag to use. Simple, easy to do.
The other day I was driving back from horse summer camp with Ava and she asked me what the words were to the song Blah, Blah Black Sheep...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Patience Pays Off
I have an orchid that was given to me 2 1/2 years ago for my birthday. I have always loved orchids. When I retire (some day) I plan on growing orchids. I'll probably wear a muu muu (orchid pattern, of course) and stumble around my green house all day long, sipping sangria, waiting for my orchids to open. Anyway, I have worked hard to keep this plant alive: watered it, not watered it, put it in the sun, put it in the shade -- you name it, I have tried it. This was my big test to see if I could actually grow one of the more common types of orchids. Well, guess what. TWO AND A HALF YEARS LATER it is blooming. I could not believe it! For awhile I figured all this plant could produce was big, thick leaves and long roots. Ah, my patience has paid off. I just hope it doesn't take another 2 1/2 years to see it bloom again. I may not find myself THAT patient.... I am sure you are asking yourself, "what it the world does this have to do with organizing? This is just another crazy orchid lady blogging." How it all connects is this: be patient with yourself when it comes to organizing. Tackle a little bit at a time. It took awhile to get unorganized and underneath your stuff so be patient. It will take a little while to get it all put back together and to see your own orchid start to bloom.
Todays Ava-ism: we were baking cookies and one sheet of them came out a little bit too dark. Ava said "those are fine, Mommy. They are just a little rusty."
Monday, July 7, 2008
In With the New, Out With the New
It seems to me that I receive a lot of product catalogs. REI, Office Depot, Uline, Coldwater Creek, it pretty much goes on and on. The good AND the bad news is that if I toss them in the recycle bin, another one is sure to show up. I have had my name removed from this list and that list but the catalogs and brochures keep coming. One of the best ways that I stay organized under this onslaught of paper is I quickly recycle them. If there is a coupon in one and I KNOW I will be shopping there within the month, I cut it out and put it in my coupon holder. The rest of the catalog goes in the bin. Think about it: What is the worst that can happen if you recycle the catalog? 99% of companies have websites that post their new specials. So, if you really think about it, the catalog is probably out of date by the time you get it! By recycling the catalog as soon as you can is one of the easiest ways to keep the paper clutter down. Give it a try! You'll be glad you did. Here is my green tip for the day: For those of you who want to get your name off of mailing lists, start with this site: https://www.dmachoice.org/MPS/proto1.php. Good luck!
Hope you all had a great 4th of July. At last count, we all still had 10 fingers each...
Hope you all had a great 4th of July. At last count, we all still had 10 fingers each...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Natives Know Best
My husband, Rick, is a native Oregonian and very proud of it. Both of my children are native Oregonians. I, on the other hand, come from Southern California. Granted, I moved to Oregon when I was three, but that doesn't make me a native. I consider myself a native by marriage. It sounds impressive unless I am talking to a true native. They are always less than impressed.
The reason I bring this up is because about 2 nights ago we had the most incredible thunder and lightening storm. It was powerful, noisy, and it dumped a bunch of rain. Right before it hit, I was looking outside where I had hung up some of Rick's bicycle riding clothes to dry. I mentioned to him that we may have a thunderstorm roll in but it sure didn't look like it out west (which is where 95% of our weather comes from). He said (and I quote) "Native say if you like wet riding clothes, leave riding clothes outside." Of course this was done in a deep voice so I could get the full force of the Me-Tarzan, You-Jane effect. The lesson? Don't question the knowledge of the natives. As I mentioned before in my bee blog, listen to those who are "in the know" and don't always try to navigate everything alone -- call on the experts. It will save you time, money, and some really wet riding clothes.
The reason I bring this up is because about 2 nights ago we had the most incredible thunder and lightening storm. It was powerful, noisy, and it dumped a bunch of rain. Right before it hit, I was looking outside where I had hung up some of Rick's bicycle riding clothes to dry. I mentioned to him that we may have a thunderstorm roll in but it sure didn't look like it out west (which is where 95% of our weather comes from). He said (and I quote) "Native say if you like wet riding clothes, leave riding clothes outside." Of course this was done in a deep voice so I could get the full force of the Me-Tarzan, You-Jane effect. The lesson? Don't question the knowledge of the natives. As I mentioned before in my bee blog, listen to those who are "in the know" and don't always try to navigate everything alone -- call on the experts. It will save you time, money, and some really wet riding clothes.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Organizing 101: Open Your Mail
I have noticed a thread of commonality among the larger percentage of my clients: they don't like to open their mail. I admit, I used to be like that -- many, many moons ago, in another lifetime, as my other personality Sabrina. One thing I have learned, um, I mean HEARD is that bills do not go away. Really. They tend to grow like weeds. If they are ignored they can take over. Open the mail as soon as you get it. Take it from the mailbox and walk directly over to your recycle bin. Toss what is junk mail (except for my brochure -- which of course is VALUABLE!) and then open the rest. Sort it into 2 stacks: to read and to pay. It is much, much easier than finding unopened mail weeks later and one of those "URGENT" letters in your mailbox. Take this nugget and apply it to your own life. You will notice your paper stacks will not grow as fast. Deal-with-the-mail-as-soon-as-you-get-it. Questions?
No Ava-ism today but I do have a good joke: A young businessman had just started his own firm. He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working.
He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor, "Can I help you?"
The man said, "Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines."
No Ava-ism today but I do have a good joke: A young businessman had just started his own firm. He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working.
He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor, "Can I help you?"
The man said, "Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines."
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Organizing Can Make You Green
I came across this incredible video: http://www.karmatube.org/videos.php?id=389 that takes about 5 minutes to watch. It is about how plastic travels around the world and ends up at the Midway Islands. It then occurred to me that if we as people were more organized, a lot of the plastic wouldn't end up in the ocean. I know I have mentioned before the use of canvas bags and how important they are to use when shopping. Another thought is to really look at everything you have around you. Do you really need to buy more stuff? Is it possible to survive for the next year without buying anything new? Be creative, see your items with more than one possible use, and do your tiny share to make things greener. You'll feel better and you may even rub off on your friends and family. Part of being organized is knowing what you have and being sure you are using it to its full ability.
Here is today's Ava-ism: She was telling me how healthy milk was with the coliseum in it. Hmmm....I guess that puts a new twist on building healthy bones...
Here is today's Ava-ism: She was telling me how healthy milk was with the coliseum in it. Hmmm....I guess that puts a new twist on building healthy bones...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Organization and camping
This weekend we decided at the last minute to go camping. We actually had reservations already made but the weather was a bit iffy. We didn't want to camp in the rain (we are tent campers) but we really wanted to get away. So, at the very last minute we chose to go for it. Thankfully, we are pretty organized when it comes to camping. We have a master list that we created years ago and we add to it whenever we think of something new. I don't think we have actually added anything in the last year or so -- it is a fairly complete list. All our gear is in the same spot in the garage and all smaller items are kept in two bins. All we do is make a quick trip to the grocery store for last minute items and then load up the car. Pretty easy!
Any hoo, my point is that if you can be organized in one part of your life, it can carry over into other parts. Make sure you have a place for everything and then once you use it, put it back! On a side note, a raccoon got into our cooler during the night (somehow it managed to actually unsnap the handle) and made off with our eggs, bacon, and cheese. It did, however, leave behind the hot dogs. Classy animal...
Any hoo, my point is that if you can be organized in one part of your life, it can carry over into other parts. Make sure you have a place for everything and then once you use it, put it back! On a side note, a raccoon got into our cooler during the night (somehow it managed to actually unsnap the handle) and made off with our eggs, bacon, and cheese. It did, however, leave behind the hot dogs. Classy animal...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Celebrate Juneteenth!
Did you know that was even a holiday? Well, now you do. It is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the U.S. Maybe I have missed the hoopla in the past, but I did not know this holiday existed. Okay, maybe that is not fair. I probably learned about it while in school but those particular brain cells have either died or been replaced. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss because look at all the new things there are to learn again!
So, again, how does this relate to organizing you might ask? Ha! End your own slavery to paper and clutter. Free yourself from all the discontent! (Nice tie-in, don't you think?) I certainly don't mean to belittle a very important history, but take today to notice things you might be slave to.
Today's Ava-ism: As I was brushing her hair the other morning, she proudly stated that she is so glad she doesn't have licenses in her hair.
So, again, how does this relate to organizing you might ask? Ha! End your own slavery to paper and clutter. Free yourself from all the discontent! (Nice tie-in, don't you think?) I certainly don't mean to belittle a very important history, but take today to notice things you might be slave to.
Today's Ava-ism: As I was brushing her hair the other morning, she proudly stated that she is so glad she doesn't have licenses in her hair.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Blogging about blogging or how to be popular
As anyone can see, I am a new blogger. I only have a handful of posts and a somewhat limited number of Ava-isms I can write about (I do have more, just not a year's worth). I decided to do what all professional bloggers do (at least I think they do) and that is find out what are the "hot topics" of the day. Well, I was shocked. I have considered myself fairly well read, up to date, and current with what is going on in the world. I do not live in a castle, tended by handmaidens, with no care in the world -- although that is sounding nice... So, what did I find? Kendal Sheppard, Subaru Brat, and gao tanker were in the top five. Yes, I know what a Subaru Brat is. Wanted one as soon as I turned 16. But WHY is it in the top five hot topics of the day? Really? Who in the h--- is Kendal Sheppard and WHAT IS A GAO TANKER???? My goodness...in a flash I go from hip to knowing nothing...sigh...
So, how does this relate to organizing you might ask. Well, as a direct line it doesn't. But what it DOES tell me is that even when I think I know something, there is a world out there of things I don't know. Even things I don't know that I don't know. Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep reaching. Much better than the alternative...
So, how does this relate to organizing you might ask. Well, as a direct line it doesn't. But what it DOES tell me is that even when I think I know something, there is a world out there of things I don't know. Even things I don't know that I don't know. Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep reaching. Much better than the alternative...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Organizing the Art Shelf -- Scarier than it sounds!
Okay, here is my little dirty secret: There is a part of my house that is not (gasp!!) organized. Yes, it is true. We call it "the art cubby." Whenever someone asks me where an art item is, I reply, "Have you checked the art cubby?" The response is usually sighs and moans and then a "when are you going to organize it, Mommy?" Honestly, I just haven't had any energy around doing that chore. My guess is because I have no need to get anything out of the art cubby. That area is for my children. I have organized our pots and pans, our China hutch, our storage rooms, MY laundry room...well, you get the picture. Today I had to look for something in the art cubby. Ava was looking for string and she couldn't find any. Well, I agreed to help her and the first place I looked was....you guessed it....the art cubby. It has grown to become an area that no longer resembles art nor a cubby. I promised my daughter I would organize it for her. Soon. Really. I mean it. I'll tackle it before the month is over. At least by Christmas... Who knows...I may discover another dirty little secret lurking in there. Stay tuned...
And for those of you who enjoy the Ava-isms I write at the end of my blog, the latest one is from her when she was taking a shower. I asked her when she would be done and she said all she had to do was unsoap. Makes sense when you think of it...
And for those of you who enjoy the Ava-isms I write at the end of my blog, the latest one is from her when she was taking a shower. I asked her when she would be done and she said all she had to do was unsoap. Makes sense when you think of it...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Bee Story
We discovered this beehive last week. We knew about one that was INSIDE the shed, but this monstrosity was a new addition. It was larger than a basketball and it had been created in only a few short weeks. It was all honeycomb with the bees swarming around it. These were honeybees, however, and we knew they must be saved. We called a beekeeper and he came out in less than an hour to remove it. He charged us $5 to help pay for his diesel. It was really quite remarkable watching him take this down -- barehanded! I figured I could blog about how team players are like honeybees, but I think the moral of this story is to hire an expert when it comes to tackling something you know nothing about. Especially when it entails stinging insects.
The latest Ava-ism? Who is the wise green guy in the Star Wars movies? Toyoda, of course!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Reason to celebrate
Okay, how many people knew it was:
So, for those of you who read to the end, another Ava-ism: she asked me the other day what diarrhea was. I started to explain and she said "no, the thing you write in." OH! I said DIARY! So, if any of you are writing in your diarrhea, you need much more help than my organizing skills....
Get Caught Reading Month
Healthy Baby Month
International Arabian Horse Association Month
Iowa Tourism Month
Labor History Month
May Is Better Hearing and Speech Month
Maybe I Will and Maybe I Won't Month
Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month
Modern Dance Month
Motorcycle Awareness Month
So, this month I will ride an Arabian horse to Iowa, where I will read about riding my motorcycle BACK to where I came from (all the while wearing sunscreen) and planning my current modern dance. Is it a coincidence that they made it Labor History Month AND Healthy Baby Month? Don't the two go hand in hand? :-)
So, for those of you who read to the end, another Ava-ism: she asked me the other day what diarrhea was. I started to explain and she said "no, the thing you write in." OH! I said DIARY! So, if any of you are writing in your diarrhea, you need much more help than my organizing skills....
Monday, June 2, 2008
Find a reason to celebrate!
I just found out that yesterday was National Donut Day. Why didn't anyone tell me this? It seems a bit lame to go get a donut and eat it today when the holiday has already passed. Kind of like missing someone's birthday and then trying to make it up. Not the same as celebrating on the actual day.
My daughter continues to come up with more Ava-isms. Her latest one is about a child's song she is trying to memorize. It now sounds like more of a nightmare-ish guy who is lurking behind dark corners. His name is John Jacob Jingle Harm Her Smith. She just sings and sings like this is the greatest guy in the world. I can't help but smile. What does this have to do with organizing? Nothing really, I just thought it was cute.
Here is my thought for the day: The more tranquil we become, the greater our success, our influence, our power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
James Allen, 1864-1912
Now go celebrate! Sing a scary song! Enjoy your tranquility!
My daughter continues to come up with more Ava-isms. Her latest one is about a child's song she is trying to memorize. It now sounds like more of a nightmare-ish guy who is lurking behind dark corners. His name is John Jacob Jingle Harm Her Smith. She just sings and sings like this is the greatest guy in the world. I can't help but smile. What does this have to do with organizing? Nothing really, I just thought it was cute.
Here is my thought for the day: The more tranquil we become, the greater our success, our influence, our power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
James Allen, 1864-1912
Now go celebrate! Sing a scary song! Enjoy your tranquility!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Holiday Organizing blog or Bye-Bye Purple Feathers
Well, I did it. I have organized my daughter's room. Or should I say, hauled out a bunch of old, mismatched toys, games, and puzzles. It seems she has outgrown Dora, Little Pet Shop, and anything having to do with babies. It is amazing at how much room we opened up just by hauling all of this stuff off and tossing anything that was broken. She is so excited. It seems a little odd when your 6 year old is BEGGING you to help her organize her room...must run in the genes.
I am donating all of the "baby" books to the library and then calling the local women's shelter to see if they can use some toys. If not, I'll take them down and donate them at our local drop-off box. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see her dress-up dresses go...seems like I have been vacuuming up small purple feathers for about 3 years now. I assume that even though they are gone, I'll still have at least another 6 months more of the little purple drifters. Now I am tired...Happy Memorial Day!
I am donating all of the "baby" books to the library and then calling the local women's shelter to see if they can use some toys. If not, I'll take them down and donate them at our local drop-off box. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see her dress-up dresses go...seems like I have been vacuuming up small purple feathers for about 3 years now. I assume that even though they are gone, I'll still have at least another 6 months more of the little purple drifters. Now I am tired...Happy Memorial Day!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend and organizing
It seems I could take this time to discuss the great opportunity you might have to start organizing. I mean, with the extra day off (for most of us) it seems like it might be a great time to get in there and get those problem areas cleaned out. Especially if you are here in the Pacific Northwest where it is raining today. Instead, I'm going to keep it short and sweet. Put your flag out if you have one. If you don't, get one. Really. We should all take a moment to be so incredibly grateful that we live here in the United States. Just consider the alternatives. We may or may not agree with all that is going on in the world but I think we can all agree that we owe our freedom to everyone who has given the ultimate sacrifice. Okay, enough of the soap box. Put the flag out. Really.
For those of you who have read to the end, here is an Ava-ism (my 6 year old daughter's mixture of words and meanings). We went to a cemetery yesterday to help my son's cub scout troop put flags on graves. While we were searching for the marks of a serviceman or woman, Ava noticed crosses on many of the tombstones. She asked if "cheesus" was buried there. We explained, no, cheesus is in heaven with God.
For those of you who have read to the end, here is an Ava-ism (my 6 year old daughter's mixture of words and meanings). We went to a cemetery yesterday to help my son's cub scout troop put flags on graves. While we were searching for the marks of a serviceman or woman, Ava noticed crosses on many of the tombstones. She asked if "cheesus" was buried there. We explained, no, cheesus is in heaven with God.
Friday, May 23, 2008
My Way or the Highway Filing
I have read so many different articles and spoken to many clients about the right way to file. One client insists on having all file tabs to the left. Another one says staggered is the only way so you can really see them all at a glance. And yet another one says down the middle is the only way. I took a class that suggested the way to make more room in your file cabinet is to take out all of the hanging folders. Two of my clients must have one hanging folder for each file. Which way is the RIGHT way? They all are. So when I read these articles and books that insist their way is the correct way, I have to stifle a giggle. What IS the right way is the way that works for you. Personally, I like 2 to 4 folders per hanging folder and I like my tab placement divided by the alphabet: A-H to the left; I-P in the middle; and R-Z on the right.
Place your files anyway you like them. But remember, my way is the RIGHT way! :-)
Place your files anyway you like them. But remember, my way is the RIGHT way! :-)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Is going green just a fad?
Boy, I hope not. It seems everywhere I look, there are more and more ways to go green. Just last night I saw a car ad for "drive green." What will happen if gas prices drop? Will sales of Hummers rise again? Will hybrids be a thing of the past? I, for one, certainly hope not. There is a saying that I think of often in my day-to-day activities: You must be the change you wish to see in the world (Gandhi). I remember when I was about 8 years old and I was riding with my mom in our white Dodge (with lovely navy blue Naugahyde seats) and I asked her why I couldn't just toss my wrapper out the window. After all, it was only one little wrapper. What she told me has stuck with me all of these years: "It may be only one little wrapper, but what if everyone thought the same thing and tossed out all of their little wrappers? We would have litter everywhere." I have used that way of thinking as long as I can remember. Why would I want to recycle just this one little paper? What if everyone started to recycle their one little piece of paper? Wow, what smaller landfills we would have....
Monday, January 28, 2008
Ten tips to get you started!
1. PAPER: Touch paper (incl. mail) no more than once—two times at most. Act as soon as it hits your hands: either recycle or file it.
2. FILING: Use a 3-file system for incoming paper: file #1 “TO DO,” file #2 “TO FILE,” file #3 “PASS ALONG.” At the end of each day process and empty each folder.
3. EMAIL: Schedule “send and receive” to every 30 or 60 minutes to void the urge to react immediately upon receipt.
4. SCHEDULING: Schedule one or two times per week to handle bills and no-urgent but reoccurring matters.
5. BILL PAY: Contact utilities, banks, and credit card companies to set-up automatic payments or manual online bill paying to save time.
6. E-STORAGE: Store important electronic files and documents online at (for example) www.filesanywhere.com, to free computer hard drive space and make documents available to others via password.
7. MANUALS: Recycle office equipment manuals if the same information is available on-line. Check upon each new purchase.
8. NOTES: Keep one notebook at your desk to jot down phone numbers, to-do items, reminders, etc., to eliminate those little notes. Recycle done pages and start again. It is okay to have multiple pages going at the same time!
9. DESK: At the end of every day, take a few minutes to clean off your desk. Put the next day’s top priority right in the center of your desk. It will make it easier to get a running start the next morning.
10. BACK-UP SYSTEM: Schedule a time once a week to do a back-up of your computer files. If your computer ever crashes, you’ll be glad you did!
2. FILING: Use a 3-file system for incoming paper: file #1 “TO DO,” file #2 “TO FILE,” file #3 “PASS ALONG.” At the end of each day process and empty each folder.
3. EMAIL: Schedule “send and receive” to every 30 or 60 minutes to void the urge to react immediately upon receipt.
4. SCHEDULING: Schedule one or two times per week to handle bills and no-urgent but reoccurring matters.
5. BILL PAY: Contact utilities, banks, and credit card companies to set-up automatic payments or manual online bill paying to save time.
6. E-STORAGE: Store important electronic files and documents online at (for example) www.filesanywhere.com, to free computer hard drive space and make documents available to others via password.
7. MANUALS: Recycle office equipment manuals if the same information is available on-line. Check upon each new purchase.
8. NOTES: Keep one notebook at your desk to jot down phone numbers, to-do items, reminders, etc., to eliminate those little notes. Recycle done pages and start again. It is okay to have multiple pages going at the same time!
9. DESK: At the end of every day, take a few minutes to clean off your desk. Put the next day’s top priority right in the center of your desk. It will make it easier to get a running start the next morning.
10. BACK-UP SYSTEM: Schedule a time once a week to do a back-up of your computer files. If your computer ever crashes, you’ll be glad you did!
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