Monday, June 30, 2008

Organizing 101: Open Your Mail

I have noticed a thread of commonality among the larger percentage of my clients: they don't like to open their mail. I admit, I used to be like that -- many, many moons ago, in another lifetime, as my other personality Sabrina. One thing I have learned, um, I mean HEARD is that bills do not go away. Really. They tend to grow like weeds. If they are ignored they can take over. Open the mail as soon as you get it. Take it from the mailbox and walk directly over to your recycle bin. Toss what is junk mail (except for my brochure -- which of course is VALUABLE!) and then open the rest. Sort it into 2 stacks: to read and to pay. It is much, much easier than finding unopened mail weeks later and one of those "URGENT" letters in your mailbox. Take this nugget and apply it to your own life. You will notice your paper stacks will not grow as fast. Deal-with-the-mail-as-soon-as-you-get-it. Questions?

No Ava-ism today but I do have a good joke: A young businessman had just started his own firm. He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working.

He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor, "Can I help you?"

The man said, "Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Organizing Can Make You Green

I came across this incredible video: that takes about 5 minutes to watch. It is about how plastic travels around the world and ends up at the Midway Islands. It then occurred to me that if we as people were more organized, a lot of the plastic wouldn't end up in the ocean. I know I have mentioned before the use of canvas bags and how important they are to use when shopping. Another thought is to really look at everything you have around you. Do you really need to buy more stuff? Is it possible to survive for the next year without buying anything new? Be creative, see your items with more than one possible use, and do your tiny share to make things greener. You'll feel better and you may even rub off on your friends and family. Part of being organized is knowing what you have and being sure you are using it to its full ability.

Here is today's Ava-ism: She was telling me how healthy milk was with the coliseum in it. Hmmm....I guess that puts a new twist on building healthy bones...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Organization and camping

This weekend we decided at the last minute to go camping. We actually had reservations already made but the weather was a bit iffy. We didn't want to camp in the rain (we are tent campers) but we really wanted to get away. So, at the very last minute we chose to go for it. Thankfully, we are pretty organized when it comes to camping. We have a master list that we created years ago and we add to it whenever we think of something new. I don't think we have actually added anything in the last year or so -- it is a fairly complete list. All our gear is in the same spot in the garage and all smaller items are kept in two bins. All we do is make a quick trip to the grocery store for last minute items and then load up the car. Pretty easy!

Any hoo, my point is that if you can be organized in one part of your life, it can carry over into other parts. Make sure you have a place for everything and then once you use it, put it back! On a side note, a raccoon got into our cooler during the night (somehow it managed to actually unsnap the handle) and made off with our eggs, bacon, and cheese. It did, however, leave behind the hot dogs. Classy animal...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Celebrate Juneteenth!

Did you know that was even a holiday? Well, now you do. It is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the U.S. Maybe I have missed the hoopla in the past, but I did not know this holiday existed. Okay, maybe that is not fair. I probably learned about it while in school but those particular brain cells have either died or been replaced. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss because look at all the new things there are to learn again!

So, again, how does this relate to organizing you might ask? Ha! End your own slavery to paper and clutter. Free yourself from all the discontent! (Nice tie-in, don't you think?) I certainly don't mean to belittle a very important history, but take today to notice things you might be slave to.

Today's Ava-ism: As I was brushing her hair the other morning, she proudly stated that she is so glad she doesn't have licenses in her hair.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blogging about blogging or how to be popular

As anyone can see, I am a new blogger. I only have a handful of posts and a somewhat limited number of Ava-isms I can write about (I do have more, just not a year's worth). I decided to do what all professional bloggers do (at least I think they do) and that is find out what are the "hot topics" of the day. Well, I was shocked. I have considered myself fairly well read, up to date, and current with what is going on in the world. I do not live in a castle, tended by handmaidens, with no care in the world -- although that is sounding nice... So, what did I find? Kendal Sheppard, Subaru Brat, and gao tanker were in the top five. Yes, I know what a Subaru Brat is. Wanted one as soon as I turned 16. But WHY is it in the top five hot topics of the day? Really? Who in the h--- is Kendal Sheppard and WHAT IS A GAO TANKER???? My a flash I go from hip to knowing nothing...sigh...

So, how does this relate to organizing you might ask. Well, as a direct line it doesn't. But what it DOES tell me is that even when I think I know something, there is a world out there of things I don't know. Even things I don't know that I don't know. Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep reaching. Much better than the alternative...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Organizing the Art Shelf -- Scarier than it sounds!

Okay, here is my little dirty secret: There is a part of my house that is not (gasp!!) organized. Yes, it is true. We call it "the art cubby." Whenever someone asks me where an art item is, I reply, "Have you checked the art cubby?" The response is usually sighs and moans and then a "when are you going to organize it, Mommy?" Honestly, I just haven't had any energy around doing that chore. My guess is because I have no need to get anything out of the art cubby. That area is for my children. I have organized our pots and pans, our China hutch, our storage rooms, MY laundry room...well, you get the picture. Today I had to look for something in the art cubby. Ava was looking for string and she couldn't find any. Well, I agreed to help her and the first place I looked guessed it....the art cubby. It has grown to become an area that no longer resembles art nor a cubby. I promised my daughter I would organize it for her. Soon. Really. I mean it. I'll tackle it before the month is over. At least by Christmas... Who knows...I may discover another dirty little secret lurking in there. Stay tuned...

And for those of you who enjoy the Ava-isms I write at the end of my blog, the latest one is from her when she was taking a shower. I asked her when she would be done and she said all she had to do was unsoap. Makes sense when you think of it...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Bee Story

We discovered this beehive last week. We knew about one that was INSIDE the shed, but this monstrosity was a new addition. It was larger than a basketball and it had been created in only a few short weeks. It was all honeycomb with the bees swarming around it. These were honeybees, however, and we knew they must be saved. We called a beekeeper and he came out in less than an hour to remove it. He charged us $5 to help pay for his diesel. It was really quite remarkable watching him take this down -- barehanded! I figured I could blog about how team players are like honeybees, but I think the moral of this story is to hire an expert when it comes to tackling something you know nothing about. Especially when it entails stinging insects.

The latest Ava-ism? Who is the wise green guy in the Star Wars movies? Toyoda, of course!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Reason to celebrate

Okay, how many people knew it was:

Get Caught Reading Month

Healthy Baby Month

International Arabian Horse Association Month

Iowa Tourism Month

Labor History Month

May Is Better Hearing and Speech Month

Maybe I Will and Maybe I Won't Month

Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month

Modern Dance Month

Motorcycle Awareness Month

So, this month I will ride an Arabian horse to Iowa, where I will read about riding my motorcycle BACK to where I came from (all the while wearing sunscreen) and planning my current modern dance. Is it a coincidence that they made it Labor History Month AND Healthy Baby Month? Don't the two go hand in hand? :-)

What I DO know is that I finished painting my daughter's bedroom. Yes, that was a bit of a chore especially when she decided to help. She ran around this weekend with a glob of paint in her hair and a nice circle of paint on the back of her leg. We went over to some friends' house for dinner last night and I was telling them about the beautiful shade of yellow we used but all I had to do was point to Ava. They all agreed it was a nice shade of yellow on her leg. I moved out some of her furniture and moved in some other furniture from around the house that wasn't being used. She loves her new room. She decided to move ALL girl things into her room now.

So, for those of you who read to the end, another Ava-ism: she asked me the other day what diarrhea was. I started to explain and she said "no, the thing you write in." OH! I said DIARY! So, if any of you are writing in your diarrhea, you need much more help than my organizing skills....

Monday, June 2, 2008

Find a reason to celebrate!

I just found out that yesterday was National Donut Day. Why didn't anyone tell me this? It seems a bit lame to go get a donut and eat it today when the holiday has already passed. Kind of like missing someone's birthday and then trying to make it up. Not the same as celebrating on the actual day.

My daughter continues to come up with more Ava-isms. Her latest one is about a child's song she is trying to memorize. It now sounds like more of a nightmare-ish guy who is lurking behind dark corners. His name is John Jacob Jingle Harm Her Smith. She just sings and sings like this is the greatest guy in the world. I can't help but smile. What does this have to do with organizing? Nothing really, I just thought it was cute.

Here is my thought for the day: The more tranquil we become, the greater our success, our influence, our power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
James Allen, 1864-1912

Now go celebrate! Sing a scary song! Enjoy your tranquility!