Friday, January 23, 2009

Getting Ready...

We are getting prepared to take a well-deserved vacation. As always, a few weeks before we leave, I start a list of things to do, things to take, and any other notes that pertain to our trip. We have a list we use for camping and it is the same list every year. I have found that I like to create a new list when we actually get on a plane and travel. Every place is unique and I like to think about all the things we could use or need depending upon where we go. When we went to Alaska, we packed differently than when we went to Palm Springs. One thing I did think about (it was brilliant if you ask me!) was to make a note and take my own coffee. My husband and I have always splurged on the richest, darkest coffee for our espresso maker and it is really hard to find good coffee when you travel. Brilliant, I tell you! Nothing beats a small notepad, pencil, and your creative thoughts!

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