Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gremlins in my desk...again...

I always suggest to my clients to be sure and set boundaries for their offices and work spaces. Things like don't allow your children to eat and play on your computer at the same time; be sure your coworker knows to put the file back when it is returned to your office, etc. Well, I have certainly tried to set boundaries with my daughter but she always seems to sneak in to my office when I'm not looking. I tried to find a ball point pen this morning and you can imagine my surprise when all I have in my desk drawer is a red crayon. Doesn't look very professional when I am writing a thank you card to a potential client. At times I have come in to find love notes written to me in the middle of the night. I love that but when I can't find a blank piece of paper to put in my printer, I get a little frustrated. ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE HAS TAKEN ALL OF MY PAPER TO CREATE INVITATIONS FOR HER DANCE PARTY THAT IS TO BE HELD IN OUR FRONT YARD THIS SATURDAY -- I wasn't even invited...sigh...

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