Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hmmm....what will you pick?

Yesterday I mentioned that I have been giving presentations and fielding bunches of questions. Here is another one that I have had come up a few times:

Concern: My desk is so unorganized I don't even know where to start!

Answer: Pick one thing to focus on for 10 minutes a day. One day clear out your junk mail. The next day take care of those sticky notes all over your computer monitor and put them in a notebook. The next day open all unopened mail and file it. You get the idea. Just like cleaning a dirty kitchen -- start with the dishes in the sink then move on to the counter tops. If you take just one small task each day, they will all add up into a clean working environment.

Do you have any specific questions you would like on organizing? Send them my way! You can also follow me on Twitter: snap_organizer.

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