Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Natives Know Best

My husband, Rick, is a native Oregonian and very proud of it. Both of my children are native Oregonians. I, on the other hand, come from Southern California. Granted, I moved to Oregon when I was three, but that doesn't make me a native. I consider myself a native by marriage. It sounds impressive unless I am talking to a true native. They are always less than impressed.

The reason I bring this up is because about 2 nights ago we had the most incredible thunder and lightening storm. It was powerful, noisy, and it dumped a bunch of rain. Right before it hit, I was looking outside where I had hung up some of Rick's bicycle riding clothes to dry. I mentioned to him that we may have a thunderstorm roll in but it sure didn't look like it out west (which is where 95% of our weather comes from). He said (and I quote) "Native say if you like wet riding clothes, leave riding clothes outside." Of course this was done in a deep voice so I could get the full force of the Me-Tarzan, You-Jane effect. The lesson? Don't question the knowledge of the natives. As I mentioned before in my bee blog, listen to those who are "in the know" and don't always try to navigate everything alone -- call on the experts. It will save you time, money, and some really wet riding clothes.

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