Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Organizing Can Make You Green

I came across this incredible video: that takes about 5 minutes to watch. It is about how plastic travels around the world and ends up at the Midway Islands. It then occurred to me that if we as people were more organized, a lot of the plastic wouldn't end up in the ocean. I know I have mentioned before the use of canvas bags and how important they are to use when shopping. Another thought is to really look at everything you have around you. Do you really need to buy more stuff? Is it possible to survive for the next year without buying anything new? Be creative, see your items with more than one possible use, and do your tiny share to make things greener. You'll feel better and you may even rub off on your friends and family. Part of being organized is knowing what you have and being sure you are using it to its full ability.

Here is today's Ava-ism: She was telling me how healthy milk was with the coliseum in it. Hmmm....I guess that puts a new twist on building healthy bones...

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